Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives
of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross-Indian Province
Our aim is to empower the women by giving all round on value based education to the girl children. We also aim at creating efficient citizen to take up the responsibilities by inculcating in them cultural, religious tolerant and echo sensitivity. Our institution tries to instill the true spirit of the constitution of India so that they become responsible citizen.
Besides preparing the students for academic achievements we aim at empowering them with knowledge, attitudes, values and skills to face the realities of life.
To facilitate active learning,
making it creative and joyful.
To enable children to think
reason out and take decisions.
To link and apply academic
knowledge to life situations.
Creating efficient citizen
to take up the responsibilities.
Inculcating cultural, religious
tolerance and echo sensitivity.
Instill the true spirit
of the constitution of India.
Principal's Desk
Sr. Shyla George
Dear parents and guardians,
I am excited to write to you at this beginning of this new academic year. On behalf of the faculty and the assistants, I thank you for giving our school an opportunity to educate your children.
Educating the children is a ‘joint venture’ of the school and the family. These social environments nourish their mind, body and spirit. The school helps them to unlock their potential creatively.