Message from Vice Principal

Sr. Neeli Kujur

My dear teachers, staff and readers, Wishing you a very happy new year 2019.

Every road has a bend. A bend does not mean that we have come to an end of the road year comes to an end. It is sad to leave the year behind. But that is the way life goes on. Coming to school, enjoying scenes of the school campus, daily creative assemblies before classes, silent heart touching song and prayers, discussing and learning in class rooms, playing in the ground ,laughing freely with friends in the breaks, helping each other in difficult times, building bonds of love and friendship.

“The best things about any school are not what is said about it, but what is lived out by X’ Students.

It is well said, “It is not the age of advising someone, it is not the age of suggesting someone rather it is the age of dialogue and communication. It is the age of listening, reflecting and acting. So I have not come here with any bundle of promises to make but I am here to dialogue with you, to listen to you and to walk with you to act and to walk together.”

Therefore every child deserves to grow in an atmosphere of understanding, happiness and safety. Life is not just breathing, similarly, student life is not just coming and going to school student life is not just passing and failing in the exam. It is much more than that. I do not need to define who a student is or what she should be. I do not need to create or recreate the Holy Cross vision and mission of our St. Joseph’s School. I am just happy to remind you of our glorious vision and mission of the school, our diversity of faith, colours and creeds. There is threat to who we are. Our school imparts holistic education. Combining academic and variety of activates, giving opportunity to everyone, according to one’s talents and gifts. Our school prepares a student to grow into a solid well sounded formation for life and helps a student to become capable of shouldering responsibilities towards their families, neighbors, country, fellow beings and environment, having 4 Cs one commits to the formation of a just society. Amazing!

Let this journey continue with new zeal, new passion and dreams. Let us live our school life as a family, let us make our school family a temple of learning where knowledge, truth, honesty, competent, commitment and success are celebrated.

The saying goes, ‘The more I know, the more I know that I do not know………… keep on learning new things. Every day is a new beginning. Learning never ends. Believe that there are many things you still do not know, let the student in you never die. The entire world is yours, go and conquer it!

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